What is cholesterol? Usually people only focus their interest on ways of lowering cholesterol without ever really understanding what cholesterol is. If you understand what cholesterol is, can at least give you some better knowledge on why it’s necessary to keep it low, and how.
If not, it may at least help prepare you for a spot on some risk of high cholesterol. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy, fat like substance that presents itself naturally in cell walls and membranes everywhere in your body, including the brain, nerves, muscle, skin, liver, intestines, and heart. Your body uses cholesterol to overall health and maintain body function,when cholesterol is at a good level it works to build and repair cells, produces hormones such as estrogen and testosterone, vitamin D and produces bile acids which are proven to aid in the digestion of fat.
Cholesterol produces by the liver also found in certain foods. It only takes a small amount of cholesterol in the blood to meet these needs and our body produces enough cholesterol for the needed. The problem comes when you have too much cholesterol in your bloodstream. Too much cholesterol in the blood, especially LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol will prevent arteries from working their best. Fat and cholesterol are deposited in the walls of the arteries in many parts of the body, and cause damage by blockage your arteries.
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